Taneja Hospital is a multi-specialty ENT Hospital dealing with ear, nose, and throat ailments, deafness along with head and neck surgery. Possibly the most used but also the most neglected parts of our body, the ear, nose, and throat provide us with 3 of our 5 senses. Most of us just take them for granted, assuming that a sore throat or an ear itch will subside spontaneously. Unfortunately, what we fail to realize is that a simple sore throat can cause severe complications like glomerulonephritis (infection of the kidney) and rheumatic fever or otitis. An ear infection apart from permanent deafness can lead to facial paralysis, meningitis, and brain abscess which can even be fatal.
Taneja Hospital provides an integrated ear, nose throat, and audiology service. At our hospital, foreign bodies in the nose, ear, and throat are removed routinely and even during emergency hours. Children often insert rubber, thermocol balls, peanuts, pins, etc. in the ear, nose, or mouth. They are removed with the latest equipment in the department round the clock. Fish spicule is another foreign body that needs attention.
Our Primary Services
ENT (Eye, Nose, Throat)
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

Taneja ENT Hospital has well-equipped Neurotology department with facilities for a comprehensive evaluation for hearing impaired and vertigo patients. Dr. Taneja, Past –president ,neuro-otological&equilibriometric society of India is specially trained in Neurotology and is looking after this department. We have all facilities from the pure tone, impedance and free field Audiometry to the advanced Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) estimation and BSERA (Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry) to evaluate all hearing problems including hearing assessment of new born infants. The neurotology section has a speech therapist . Analog and digital hearing aid fittings are done along with hearing aid tuning.
Ear Surgery
Myringoplasty (placement of ear drum)TRANS CANAL SURGERY-NO SCAR-FITNESS TO JOBS
Repair of ear drum perforation and Mastoid Diseases (Microscopic Ear Surgeries / Tympanoplsty)
Reconstruction of middle ear ossicles :Ossiculoplasty , Stapedectomy ( Stapes / Piston / Mastoid Surgery )
Ear lobule repair / Ear Piercing with medical gun.
Nose and Sinus Surgery:
Control of epistaxis (severe nosebleed)
Repair of nasal bone fracture/deformity
Septoplasty to straighten deviated septum ( DNS )
Functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty
Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery to treat chronic sinus infection or polyp removal (FESS)
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Video Endoscopy / Sinuscopy
Foreign Body Removal like rubber, thermo cool balls, peanuts, pins
Turbinectomy for Sleep Apnea.
Throat / Larynx Surgery
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (surgical treatment for sleep apnea)
Surgical treatment for snoring ( Laser Surgery )
Removal of vocal cord lesions ( Microlaryngeal Surgeries)
Vocal cord medialization (treatment for paralyzed vocal cord)
Oesophagoscopy / Bronchoscopy
Head and Neck Surgery
Removal of benign or malignant tumors from nose, sinuses, oral cavity, Thyroid, oropharynx
and treatment of laryngeal Tuberculosis
Neuro Otology Department
Cochlear Implant Surgery
The 1st Cochlear Implant Surgery on a deaf child was performed at Taneja ENT Hospital way back in year 2000 .This surgery has become a routine procedure in our hospital.
Conditions We Treat