About Taneja Hospital
A humble beginning started in the year 1982 in a sapling shape & with advent of time it has grown to become one of the largest Private Hospital in India catering to exclusive Gynae, ENT (ear) problems providing holistic comprehensive world class IVF services under one roof. Taneja Hospital is a 30 bedded super specialty hospital, two OT’s, private, semi private & with a team of doctors, Innovative step was taken long back & a plan chalked out to initiate distant health care programmer for ENT, IVF and women care .Our motto is commitment to provide Quality & cost effective treatment and patient care ensuring timely, efficient services & continuous improvement in Quality Management System. Our hospital keeps abreast of the latest advance in medical technology. We regularly hold academic activities and research work, hands on workshop, Seminars, Conferences, Webinars of national and international level time to time for the last 25 years, Editorial board member journal of Obs. & Genecology research & practice. Editor –in-Chief Dr. Taneja has got more than 63 publications National – International Indexed journals.
Our Primary Services
ENT (Eye, Nose, Throat)
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
Few of our achievements are keeping us to the first in Uttar Pradesh in pursuit of excellence

First center to successfully Perform Cochlear Implant surgery way back in 2000on a baby below the age of two years in Uttar Pradesh and since then continuously Cochlear Implant surgeries have been done in Uttar Pradesh.
Using first in Muzaffarnagar innovative technology of minimum access Mastoidectomy for TM perforations giving success rate of 99 %. Routine surgeries for unsafe ear’s like Intact Canal Tympano Mastoid surgeries with cartilage ossiculoplasties being done regularly. We have performed record 5000 such successful surgeries so far.
Since Our CEO has Done Post postgraduate diploma In Naturopathy, a Master’s In Yoga, And a Ph.D. In Bhramari Pranayam, we Have Developed A State Of Art Yoga And Meditation Center For Prevention And Rehabilitation Of Deafness On The Principle Of Visual Speech Perception, enhancing Cognition Power, stimulation Of Non-Dominant Brain, mid Brain Activation By Generating Alpha Brain Waves By Focused Concentration(Tratak) Dynamic Neurobicsmodified Greeva And Skandhchalanchalan,kumbhak Along With Modified Bhramari Pranayama. We Confirm The Alpha Brain Wave State On E E G And Hearing Improvement On Audiometry, Tympanometry, Bera, and electrocochleography. We Are Lucky To Provide Satisfaction To a Significant Number Of Senior citizens who Are Not Satisfied With Hearing AIDS and are progressing Toward Depression And Dementia.
In academic activities, we have organized Temporal Bone Dissection Courses/hands-on training and live Microsurgery workshops, seminars & conferences at the National – International level from time to time for the last twenty-five years.